Greensboro Divorce Attorney on Recent Argentinian Decision

In Uncategorized by Greensboro Attorney

Multiple news outlets, including USA Today and Newsweek, have reported on a recent verdict from Argentina’s appellate court awarding a woman almost $200,000 in a divorce proceeding based on the years she dedicated to housework and child rearing. The woman, now age 70, gave up her career early in her almost thirty year marriage to become a stay at home mother.

After the separation of the spouses, she found herself struggling to make ends meet and unable to reenter the workforce due to her age.

The decision of the court is drawing international attention as it recognizes the effects of traditional gender roles as well as the value of the the woman’s career sacrifice and the the years she dedicated to maintaining the household.


According to our Greensboro divorce attorneys, the North Carolina legislature has enacted laws allowing judges to reach a similar conclusion. For example, when considering how much alimony a supporting spouse should pay, North Carolina courts will consider, among other things:

  • the contribution by one spouse to the education, training, or increased earning power of the other spouse,
  • the extent to which the earning power, expenses, or financial obligations of a spouse will be affected by reason of serving as the custodian of a minor child,
  • the relative earnings and earning capacities of the spouses, and
  • the ages and the physical, mental, and emotional conditions of the spouses.

If you have questions about how your role as a homemaker or stay st home parent could affect your divorce, contact one of our Greensboro divorce lawyers today.