Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

When it comes to workplace injuries, navigating the complex landscape of workers’ compensation can be daunting. At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, we understand the challenges you face after a work-related injury, and our dedicated workers’ compensation lawyers are here to guide you through the process.

workers compensation lawyer Greensboro, NC

Understanding Your Rights

Workers’ compensation is a safety net designed to provide financial support and medical benefits to employees injured on the job. In North Carolina, employers with three or more employees are required by law to carry workers’ compensation insurance. It’s essential to realize that filing a workers’ compensation claim is not an adversarial action against your employer; it’s a means to access the insurance coverage intended to assist individuals like you who have suffered work-related injuries.

workers compensation claim lawyer

Medical Coverage and Disability Benefits

Following a workplace injury, your employer or their insurance company is responsible for covering the costs of necessary medical treatment. This treatment is aimed at restoring your health, facilitating your return to work, and alleviating any pain or discomfort. It encompasses not only the treatment of the specific body part directly impacted by your injury but also addresses any other medical conditions that may arise as a direct consequence of the initial injury. Additionally, you may be entitled to disability benefits to compensate for lost wages during your recovery period.

medical coverage and disability benefits

Promptly reporting your injuries to your supervisor and documenting them in writing is crucial. Take the initiative to record detailed accounts of the accident, including the names of potential witnesses. Seeking medical attention and clearly articulating the circumstances of the injury, especially its work-related nature, is essential. Ensure that all relevant information and medical bills are submitted to your employer’s insurance company, and follow up diligently. You should receive a Form 19, providing confirmation that the insurance company acknowledges your claim’s existence. Simultaneously, filing a Form 18 with the North Carolina Industrial Commission is a vital step, even if your employer is aware of the incident. We strongly recommend seeking guidance from an experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney before completing this form, as it holds significant weight in your case.

Timeliness and Claim Denials

Filing your claim within 30 days of the incident is advisable, but it’s essential to recognize that a failure to do so within this timeframe does not necessarily close your case. In North Carolina, you generally have up to two years from the date of the injury to file a workers’ compensation claim. When filing, provide a comprehensive account of your accident and resulting injury, leaving no pertinent information out. While it’s prudent to share a copy of your claim with your employer, it’s crucial to personally submit the claim; relying solely on your employer can be risky.

creating a workers compensation claim

It’s not uncommon for valid workers’ compensation claims to face initial denials from employers or their insurance providers. Should you encounter such a situation, it’s essential to know that you have the right to appeal by filing a Form 33 Request for Hearing with the NC Industrial Commission. We highly recommend consulting one of our seasoned Workers’ Compensation Attorneys to guide you through this appeals process.

Occupational Diseases and Your Entitlements

In some instances, workplace injuries are not the result of a single accident but stem from prolonged exposure to hazardous materials, loud noises, or repetitive movements. These gradual injuries are categorized as Occupational Diseases and are also covered by workers’ compensation insurance.

work related injury insurance

Why Hire Greensboro Workers Compensation Lawyers?

At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, we are here to assist you at any stage of your workers’ compensation case. Our legal team is dedicated to ensuring that you receive the full spectrum of medical, wage, and disability benefits you are entitled to under the law. We understand that a workplace injury isn’t just a physical setback; it can also cause emotional distress and anguish for both you and your loved ones. Let us take on the legal complexities on your behalf, working tirelessly to help you regain your health and happiness.

Contact our Greensboro Workers’ Compensation Lawyers today. We are located at 317 S Greene St, Greensboro, NC 27401. Reach out to our Workers’ Comp lawyers at 336-379-0539 without delay. Our entire legal team is ready and willing to assist you in your journey to secure the support and benefits you need and deserve following a workplace injury.