North Carolina is one of the few states with a “one-bite rule”.

What Happens in N.C. if a Dog Bites Someone?

In Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

No one wants to be the victim of a dog bite. Unfortunately, it happens to thousands of people in North Carolina every year. When a dog bites someone, the victim may be entitled to compensation for their injuries and related suffering. To understand what happens in North Carolina when a dog bites someone, it’s important to know the state’s laws on dog bites, as well as the process of filing a claim.

North Carolina Dog Bite Laws

Did you know that North Carolina is one of the few states with a “one-bite rule” when it comes to dog bites? This means that if your dog has never bitten anyone previously, and then bites someone, the owner may not be held responsible for any resulting damages. However, this does not mean that there are no consequences for a dog biting someone. It is important to understand the law surrounding dog bites in order to protect yourself and your pet from potential legal action. 

In North Carolina, the one-bite rule states that an owner will generally not be held liable for damages if their pet had no history of aggressive behavior before biting someone. This means that if your pet has never bitten anyone previously, you will most likely not be legally responsible for any resulting damages. However, if your pet has a history of aggression or biting people, then the one-bite rule doesn’t apply and you may be held liable for damages caused by another attack. 

There are certain exceptions to the one-bite rule that must be taken into consideration when dealing with a dog bite case in North Carolina. For example, if you knew or should have known about your pet’s aggressive or dangerous behavior prior to the incident and failed to take proper steps to protect others from such behavior, then you could still be held liable, even if this was the first time your dog had bitten someone. Additionally, some municipalities may have laws in place specific to their jurisdiction which could supersede state law regarding liability for dog bites – so it’s important to check local ordinances as well. 

Dealing with a dog bite case in North Carolina.

Greensboro Dog Bite Lawyers

In the event of a serious dog bite, it is important to consult a Greensboro lawyer with specialist knowledge of dog bite law. A qualified attorney can help you understand your rights and options, as well as the process of filing a claim. An experienced lawyer can also help you fight for the compensation you deserve, including medical expenses, lost wages, and for pain and suffering.

Filing a Dog Bite Claim

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog bite in North Carolina, you may be eligible to file a claim. Dog bite claims are based on the state’s strict liability laws, which means that the owner of the dog is responsible for any damages or injuries their pet causes, regardless of their knowledge of the dog’s dangerous behavior.

The first step to filing a dog bite claim in North Carolina is to document the incident. This includes taking photographs of any injuries, collecting witness statements, and keeping track of any medical expenses associated with the incident. It is also important to speak to a qualified personal injury attorney who can help you file your claim and assess the damage.

Once you have gathered the necessary evidence, you will then need to contact the owner of the dog and their insurance company. This is usually done through a letter or phone call. Your personal injury attorney can help you create a demand letter, which outlines the details of the incident and the compensation you are seeking.

It is important to consult a Greensboro lawyer with specialist knowledge of dog bite law.

Once your claim has been submitted, the insurance company will investigate the case to determine if they will accept responsibility. It is important to be patient throughout this process as the insurance company may take several weeks or even months to respond.

If the insurance company does accept responsibility, then you may be able to receive compensation for lost wages, medical bills, and any other costs associated with the dog bite. You may also be able to receive compensation for pain and suffering. If the insurance company denies your claim, then you may need to go to court to pursue a settlement.

It is important to remember that dog bite claims in North Carolina can be complicated, so it is important to consult an experienced personal injury attorney to ensure that your rights are fully protected.


It is important to understand the law surrounding dog bites in North Carolina in order to protect yourself and your pet from potential legal action. In general, owners are not responsible for damages caused by their pets unless they have a history of aggressive behavior or there are local laws which supersede state law concerning liability for such incidents. If you do find yourself facing legal issues due to a dog bite in North Carolina, it is best practice to consult with an experienced dog bite attorney who understands both state and local laws related to this issue so they can provide guidance on how to best proceed with a case. In any situation involving animal attacks it is essential that safety precautions are taken seriously so that all parties involved remain safe and protected by the law.