greensboro criminal lawyer

Teens & Guns Update by Greensboro Criminal Lawyer

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Criminal Lawyer

Law enforcement has a big dilemma as they attempt to guns out of the hands of the wrong people while continuing to allow others to assert their 2nd amendment rights. Our Greensboro criminal lawyer has been told that police are trying to stop the pipeline of firearms that are going to teenagers.

With a shooting at a local high school and then guns being confiscated from students at other schools this is an extremely serious issue. Our top rated lawyer in Greensboro knows that acquiring a gun is as easy as ordering a pizza and picking it up. Guns in the hands of teenagers is problematic because teenagers in a lot of instances are still yet to fully develop and be able to rationalize the consequences of their actions. Our top rated criminal lawyer sees first hand the influx of shootings involving teenagers here locally.

One of the big areas teens are acquiring guns is out of vehicles. It’s amazing the number of vehicles that are unlocked in our city with firearms inside of them according to a Greensboro larceny lawyer. These guns unfortunately show back up later on crime scenes throughout our city. Our Greensboro firearm lawyer sees this drastic increase in firearm cases involving teenagers and also an increase in homicides involving teenagers.

We must come together as a community to discuss these issues. Gun violence is increasing and bullets go where bullets go. Some times they don’t hit their intended target. Our Greensboro family lawyer sends up her thoughts and prayers for everyone who has been the victim of gun violence. Stay safe Greensboro!