criminal defense attorney in Greensboro NC

Porch Pirate Gets Away per Criminal Defense Attorney

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Criminal Defense Attorney in Greensboro NC

Six packages were stolen from a single porch as we head into the holiday weekend according to a criminal defense attorney in Greensboro NC. The family was out shopping when their Nest video doorbell showed a man in a hoodie and mask grabbing the packages. Our larceny lawyer in Greensboro North Carolina was advised that the man drove off in a silver car.

And that’s just one family, other neighbors were also hit by the porch pirates. A felony larceny lawyer in Greensboro, NC was told that one had a new pair of shoes stolen and multiple packages from nearby residences.

One neighbor found the scraps of packages on their doorstep, but no package. Law enforcement is recommending that when you know packages are going to be delivered it’s best to be home or have a neighbor pick them up.

What a crazy world we live in, to think that we’re discussing package deliveries and that if we’re not home, they may be stolen. Larceny cases are on the rise in Greensboro, North Carolina, but the hope is that people in Greensboro can live in peace and not have to worry about things they’ve worked hard for being taken before they can even touch the box they came in.

There’s a definite concern that violent crime along with larceny and shoplifting cases are going to see a major increase this holiday season. The coronavirus has caused a major shift in the way people think and feel, and this added stress, only seems to be pushing criminal defense cases to rise.

The recommendation of all of our lawyers in Greensboro, North Carolina is just to be safe.

Prioritize your family and keep your teenagers close. Violent crime and thefts are being committed by young people at a rate we’ve never seen before.

Stay safe Greensboro!