greensboro attorney

Porch Pirate Caught by Video Doorbell

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Attorney

If it’s not USPS failing to deliver your package, then we have the next issue of porch pirates stealing packages. Our Greensboro attorney has received word that one of our Greensboro neighbors could only watch with dread as a porch pirate stole a package off her front porch.

The mother said she was upstairs helping her children with homework according to a criminal lawyer. She said initially she kept receiving notifications from her camera, and thought it was just delivery people but then when she looked she saw that it was a tall slender man stealing her packages.

A Greensboro lawyer at our law firm has been advised that a similar person matching the description was also suspected of doing the same at other residences. The woman said she’s trying to figure out exactly the packages he took, because he carried away three. Our family law attorney in Greensboro has been told that she’s glad her family is safe and that the man left the dog food.

The Greensboro Police Department is advising people not to leave packages on their doorstep because it may be inviting to would be porch pirates. What type of world are we living in, where even your porch isn’t safe. Contact an attorney in Greensboro today if you need help with a criminal case. We’re here to help.