Inmate runs online scam from prison according to Lawyer

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Our lawyer in Greensboro is reporting that an inmate in prison ran an online scam from prison that brought in $1 Million. The crazy part is that all of this was done from a maximum security prison for fraud related crimes.

He created a fraud network that targeted victims around the world. He would often fake illnesses and find a way to be sent to the hospital. In doing so, he would often end up at hotels and attned various social functions. Our lawyer reports that he created bank account in fake names and utilized those names to move money around.

The Greensboro Lawyer at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson handle every type of case. Whether it’s a fraud case or a criminal case, our attorney is here to help you and your family when you need us most. Contact us at 336-379-0539 today!