Greensboro Lawyer looks into recent case of Defendant dying before execution

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Our Greensboro lawyer has heard an interesting story concerning a defendant on death row. While on death row, the man’s heart stopped and doctors had to restart his heart on five different occasions. His lawyers are arguing because he medically died and therefore his sentence was completed.

A district court judge was not persuaded by his attorney and found his arguments to be unpersuasive. His lawyer appealed to the court of appeals. They agreed with the lower court decision and found that he couldn’t have it both ways. If life in prison means until you die, then if you’re still alive you’re still in prison.

His lawyers have not determined whether they’re going to move the case to a higher court. The Greensboro Lawyer at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, handle every type of criminal case. Whether it’s a criminal appeal or a first degree murder charge, our lawyers are here to help. Contact us today at 336-379-0539 for help with your case.