Greensboro Felony Lawyer looks into Murder Plea

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Yesterday afternoon in Greensboro Criminal Superior Court, a 21 Year Old man plead to 2nd Degree Murder in front of the Honorable Judge Cubbage. Our Greensboro Felony Lawyer was in the courtroom for the plea. The man told the court that he was ordered to shoot two girls by a local drug dealer. The drug dealer had informed the man that they had stole marijuana from her the year before and he wanted them both punished.

The man admitted to shooting and killing the 16 year old. He apologized and said, “I’m so sorry,” “I know there’s nothing I can say to stop the pain. I’m sorry.” He said he was well aware of the consequences and he promised the court that he would be a better man when he left prison.

After hearing from both families involved in the case and listening to the District Attorney along with the Greensboro Felony Attorney, Judge Cubbage sentenced the man to a minimum of 16 years in prison.

At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, we handle every variety of Felony there is. Our Greensboro Felony Lawyers do everything they can to help you with your case and are members of the Greensboro Felony Lawyers Association.