greensboro attorney

Greensboro Attorney gives update on Criminal Charges

In Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Criminal charges seem to happen more and more often around our parts. Our criminal lawyer in Greensboro NC recently received word of a mother attempting to burn her car with her child inside.

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Her vehicle was for some reason parked on the interstate according to our Greensboro attorney. She lit the fire around 1:30 PM on Sunday. The child suffered severe burns and our personal injury lawyer in Greensboro NC has been advised that he’s currently listed in critical condition.

There’s no telling the reasons people do things.

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Are thoughts and prayers go out for the family and most importantly the child as he continues to recover.

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He’s only 14 months and we can’t imagine what he’s dealing with. Our Greensboro law firm is here for you and your family when you need us most. Contact us today if you or someone you know is in need legal services today!