lawyers Greensboro NC

Flooding leads to Accidents per Lawyers

In Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Lawyers Greensboro NC

They’re saying that as time goes by tropical storms appear to be moving further and further inland and the damage they cause is increasing. Our lawyers in Greensboro NC report that this week it seem that this is becoming more and more apparent. Flooding in North Carolina took on all new meaning as Eta dumped tons of rain our state.

In North Carolina, parts of our state were seeing between 4 and 10 inches of rain. Bridges were washed out and now the search is on for families who were in flood zones during the storms. Our Greensboro personal injury attorney received word of 4 people losing their lives at a campsite. Rivers and lakes were overrun with water and our family law attorney in Greensboro has been advised that a number of families are in danger of losing their homes.

The river flooding will only continue as the storm moves north as most of our rivers connect to rivers and other bodies of water in Virginia. From all of our Greensboro attorneys we hope all of you remain safe during this rather tumultuous time.