Criminal Lawyer addresses recent Trafficking in Cocaine situation

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Our criminal lawyer received word of the largest cocaine seizure in the Port of Savannah ever. $31 million worth of cocaine was seized, weighing in at 2,133 pounds.

Authorities said they discovered the cocaine when they noticed something unusual about the shipping container that was supposed to contain scrap wire. When local law enforcement opened the container they found 21 duffel bags containing 818 bricks of cocaine.

The container was being shipped from South America to Europe and was seized in the United States. The investigation continues, but once arrested those charged would face trafficking in cocaine charges.

The Greensboro criminal lawyers at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson handle drug charges of ever variety. Whether it’s a trafficking case or a simple possession case, our attorneys are here to help! Contact us at 336-379-0539.