speeding ticket lawyer

Can a Greensboro Criminal Lawyer Explain Violation Points for Licenses and Insurance?

In Criminal, Traffic by Greensboro Attorney

Can Greensboro traffic ticket lawyers explain violation points for licenses and insurance? Yes! In North Carolina there are two types of points to be considered for motorists with moving violations: insurance points and license points. Most often, when motorists receive a moving violation they first think about the affect it will have on their insurance rate. If you are concerned about points being added to either your insurance or license, you should contact a Greensboro criminal defense lawyer to understand how the violation may affect you.

There are multiple factors that determine insurance rates. For example, the amount of insurance points added may be different depending on what region of North Carolina the motorist lives in. The amount of insurance points that the motorist has accrued over the past three years for accidents and moving violations may influence how many points are added as well. Additionally, the amount of driving experience the motorist has may be a deciding factor. If the motorist has less than three years of driving experience, this could be especially important in determining insurance rates. For more information regarding insurance points, contact a Guilford County traffic lawyer.

Although most motorists are concerned with insurance points because of financial consequences, license points are also important and should not be ignored. If too many points are added, the motorist may have their license suspended. This may occur if twelve or more points are accumulated within a three-year period. Sometimes, the driver may attend a Driver Improvement Clinic to have three points removed from their record, but this can only be allowed once every five years. The first suspension received cannot be for more than sixty days, the second suspension shall not exceed six months, and a third suspension should not exceed one year.

If you are concerned with license points or insurance points, do not hesitate to contact a Greensboro criminal attorney today to receive more information! The Greensboro traffic ticket lawyers at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth and Olson know the requirements of the law and also genuinely care about each and every case presented by their clients. Call at 336-379-0539 today; we are here to help!