Can A Greensboro Divorce Attorney Explain How Alimony Determined?

In Divorce by Greensboro Attorney

Can a Greensboro divorce attorney explain how alimony is determined? Yes, of course! Alimony is kind of like a fancy word for spousal support. It’s money that one spouse may have to pay to the other spouse in the event that they separate and one spouse has substantially more income than the other. There are several different factors that the court will consider when deciding if alimony is necessary, how much it should be, and for how long the support should last. It’s important to contact a Greensboro divorce attorney so you have a full understanding of all of your options.


To be allowed alimony, you will most likely have to show that one spouse is the dependent spouse and that the other spouse is the supporting spouse. To show that one spouse is the dependent spouse, you will need to show that they are in need of support from the supporting spouse in order to maintain the custom of living that was in the marriage. You will also have to show that the supporting spouse has the means to support the dependent house. Some considerations will include income ability, debt service, expenses of each party, and legal monetary obligation to others. The duration of the alimony and how much alimony should be paid is going to be determined by several different factors. For example, one factor that will be considered is the ability of the dependent spouse to work. What skills do they have, how long has it been since they worked, and what income does the average person with those skills make in general? For more information on alimony and spousal support, you should seek out a Greensboro divorce attorney today!


To reach the best possible outcome regarding alimony in your divorce, you should speak with a Greensboro divorce attorney as soon as possible. The divorce attorneys at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, and Olson know the requirements of the law and also genuinely care about each case presented to them. Call at 336-379-0539; we are here to help!