greensboro lawyer

72-Year-Old Killed at Gas Station per Lawyer

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Lawyer

A 72-year-old woman worked out the local Speedway gas station. She was known by family and friends to be hard worker which shows with her working 70 – 80 hours per week even when in her 70’s. Our Greensboro lawyer reports that she was gunned down for reasons that are yet to be known.

The shooting occurred bright and early around 6 AM. Our personal injury lawyer in Greensboro was advised that she was rushed to a nearby hospital where she later died. Our wrongful death lawyer is saddened by such a horrific act to someone that really was not a threat. The man will be facing murder charges once apprehended according to a Greensboro criminal lawyer.

Our family law attorney in Greensboro sends out their thoughts and prayers for this woman and her family during this time. Stay safe Greensboro!