Can a Greensboro DWI Lawyer Expunge a DWI?


In Family by Greensboro Attorney

So, you’re finally on the other side! The emotional upheaval and day to day roller coaster is finally starting to plateau.  You’ve split up your assets and personal possessions.  You’ve distributed your debts and the mortgage has finally been refinanced into your sole name.  The kids’ custody schedule is set and hopefully you and your ex are seamlessly co-parenting! And maybe you’ve even finally received your final divorce decree! Congratulations– you’ve gone through the toughest part(s) of a divorce.  You no longer need us on a day to day basis, but your Greensboro Divorce Lawyer is here to remind you one last time to consider those often overlook things to address before you ride off into the sunset.  Here’s a few things that we’ve found to be commonly forgotten after divorce and recommend you consider looking into before officially moving on:

Create a file with all of the important paperwork from your divorce/separation process.

Put all of those documents in a safe place in case you need access to them later. Keep a copy of your marriage license and divorce decree together and with all of those other documents.

Get a new bank account.

You and your former spouse should have already opened your own accounts and close your old joint one.  If not, get on that now.

Update your will and estate plan

Create a new will to ensure it reflects your intentions as of today.  Do you want your ex spouse to have even a chance of inheriting? Do you want your kids to have to deal with figuring out what to do?  If the answer to either of those are no (and maybe even if they are yes), update your will! A divorce is a major life event – treat it as such! Even if your former spouse is not entitled to benefit from your will, it’ll certainly be easier to make it clear!

Update your beneficiary designations for life insurance policies

Update the policies that you have personally and those provided by your employer.

Keep your address updated with all involved.

When there are issues left to address or future things to be notified about, don’t forget to update your address with everyone.  The update includes your former spouse, the courts, and/or attorneys involved.

Self care and mental health

Don’t forget to take care of yourself after the divorce.  The whole process takes an extreme toll on your mental and physical health – even if you don’t realize it in the moment.  Make sure you take time to focus on a healthy lifestyle!

If you have any questions about things that need to be done after divorce, give one of our Greensboro Divorce Lawyers a call today!