Man charged with Murder due to Heroin Overdose – Greensboro Criminal Lawyer Examines Case

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

A 48 year old man was charged with Felony Second Degree Murder by Distributing Drugs after a woman was pronounced dead due to a heroin overdose. Our Greensboro Criminal Lawyers are currently reviewing this case.

Sadly, the woman was 9 months pregnant at the time of death and the 48 year old is also charged with the child’s death. This is a rather new charge when it comes to Criminal cases in Greensboro and Guilford County.

Charging distributers and drug dealers with the death of the people they distribute to is a new tactic district attorney’s offices are using across the state.

The interesting part of this case is that his bond was only a $1,000 Secured Bond.

Our Greensboro Criminal Lawyers are starting to see the influx of Murder cases based on Drug Distribution. We do everything we can to help clients in these situations and if you call us, you’ll see that we’re here to help.