Lawyer told False Accuser of Black Teen Arrested

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Lawyer

A 22-year-old woman initially demanded that a 14-year-old black teen stole her phone. The manager at the NYC hotel attempted to put a stop to the accusations to no avail. The father of the child then told the woman to leave his son alone according to a Greensboro lawyer.

A security video later emerged showing the woman trying to grab the teenager as he walked out of the hotel.

The video shows them both fall down during the incident. According to a Greensboro attorney the woman’s phone was actually left in an Uber and was returned by the driver not long after this incident.

The woman went back to California where they attempted to serve her with arrest warrants.

She refused to get out of the car according to the sheriff’s department and the local sheriff’s are seeking warrants for resisting arrest according to our lawyers in Greensboro, NC.

Her lawyer has advised that he believes her to be unwell and in need of treatment. The attorney representing her suggested that her accusations were not racially motivated but that she sincerely felt that her phone was stolen by the teenager. We will continue to keep you updated on the status of this case.