
Lawyer receives rather sad report of 2-year-old being accidentally killed

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Our lawyer receives updates on all sorts of rather sad situations. Recently, a mother and friend were charged as a result of a 2-year-old accidentally shooting himself.

According to our attorney, they were inside a hotel room at the time of the incident. The young child found a loaded gun inside of the hotel and accidentally discharged the weapon. The mother and her friend have not commented on the situation. They currently face criminal charges including manslaughter as a result of the situation.

The lawyer at our law firm handles every type of shooting case. At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson our Greensboro lawyer is here to help you and your family when you need us most. Contact us at 336-379-0539, we’re located in downtown Greensboro at 436 Spring Garden St, Greensboro, NC 27401. We’re here toe help!