trucking accident lawyer

Jury Returns $30 Million Verdict in Trucking Wreck

In Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Trucking Accident Lawyer

A FedEx Freight Truck veered into oncoming traffic in 2018 and hit a Father head on. Our trucking accident lawyer was advised that the trucking accident occurred around 1:30 AM. It had been raining that morning and the driver swerved to avoid an obstruction in the road.

During the jury trial, the truck driver advised he had never been trained by FedEx to turn to the right and go onto the shoulder or ditch in order to avoid something.

Our wrongful death lawyer in Greensboro was advised that a jury awarded the family of the man who was killed $30 million.

You can’t put a price or a value on a life.

Our top rated lawyer in Greensboro sends up their thoughts and prayers for the family of the man who was tragically killed and also for the driver of the truck who is extremely remorseful about the situation. Stay safe Greensboro!