Greensboro Flee to Elude charges require delicate defense work.
These charges are a quick way to become a felon or lose your license. I cannot count the number of clients charged with Felony Flee to Elude, who had otherwise not even a speeding ticket on their record.
Trial attorneys must to fight for a misdemeanor, and then fight some more. Top Guilford county trial lawyers must prepare every case for trial.
These cases, obviously sensitive to everyone involved, require work and time.
Do not discount the officer’s emotional involvement, or the prosecutor’s support of law enforcement in general. Approach both with respect; this is not the charge to be hot-headed about. Remind the State that a misdemeanor will still revoke the defendant’s license, with no privilege. If appropriate, offer some token active time in exchange for the misdemeanor.
If the client is a level one and cannot receive active time, revoke the bond for a couple of days. A couple of weekends in jail now is better than a lifetime as a felon.
Always keep in mind, a jury may give your client the misdemeanor that the prosecutor won’t, or can’t.
Misdemeanor Flee to Elude is a class one offense, suspends the person’s license for one year, with no privilege, adds 10 insurance points, and generally causes lots of problems anytime a Judge sees it on your client’s record in the future. Felony Flee to Elude is a class H, requiring a two year license suspension (with a privilege after one year) if two aggravating factors are present, or three years with no privilege if three aggravating factors are involved.