Greensboro DWI Attorneys Set An Average of Ten DWI Trials A Day

In Greensboro DWI Attorneys Set An Average of Ten DWI Trials A Day by GWAO

Greensboro DWI attorneys set an average of ten DWI trials a day in court.

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The best Greensboro DUI lawyers know that unless their case is several years old, that trial will not be reached.

In addition, factors such as officer vacations, training and judge availability often further delays trials.

Top rated DWI lawyers were invited to preview Judge Jarrell’s DWI Court. Setting cases for trial has begun, and the actual court dates begin the first week of January.

If you have a DWI trial, contact the DWI attorneys at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth and Olson. They literally wrote the book on NC DWIs!

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