Greensboro Criminal Defense Attorneys Want Everyone To Have A Safe 4th Of July!

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro criminal defense attorneys want everyone to have a safe 4th of July! The 4th of July is a highly celebrated holiday around the country. With that being said, parties and get-togethers may often involve alcohol or consumption of other substances. The Greensboro criminal defense lawyers at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, and Olson would like to remind everyone that if you are drinking or consuming substances, it is important to make sure that you have a designated driver to get you where you need to go! If you do not have a friend or relative that can drive you, do not resort to driving yourself. There are many safe alternatives, including calling an Uber, Lyft, or taxi. It is simply not worth it to risk your life or other lives by driving while impaired. Additionally, a DWI charge can be both costly and serious. If you have questions about a DWI, please do not hesitate to call a Greensboro criminal defense attorney for more information.


As a reminder, there are many levels of a DWI. Which level DWI you are charged with depends upon how many aggravating factors there are. If there are three aggravating factors, you will be charged with a Level A1 DWI. This is the most serious DWI charge. Aggravating factors may include, but are not limited to, gross impairment (.15 or above), negligent driving that leads to an accident, or prior impaired driving convictions. If charged with a Level A1 DWI, you will be subject to pay a fine of up to $10,000. Additionally, you will serve a minimum of 12 months active jail time, where you are not eligible for parole. For a complete list of aggravating factors and consequences for DWI’s, you should contact a Greensboro criminal defense attorney today!


The Greensboro criminal defense attorneys at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, and Olson would like to remind everyone to drive safely over the 4th of July holiday! DWI’s are serious offenses that are simply not worth the risk. While we celebrate this great holiday, it is important to remember that safety should come first! If you have more questions about this charge, feel free to contact a criminal defense attorney today at 336-379-0539; we are here to help!