Greensboro Criminal Defense Attorneys Understand the Concerns of Threats of Mass Violence.

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro criminal defense attorneys understand the concerns of threats of mass violence.

Recently there have been many occurrences of mass violence.

This subject is certainly a sad one, but even worse, it can make us fearful to be in places that we regularly attend. The law tends to take awhile to catch up with the concerns of present day society, but recently the legislature has created two new communicating threat crimes. These crimes include communicating threats of mass violence of educational property, and communicating threats of mass violence at a place of religious worship.

These crimes will be effective for offenses that take place after December 1st, 2018. Do doubt, these crimes were created to deter the false reports of mass violence that are continuously communicated to schools and churches. Both of these places are continuously attended on schedules, which makes it easy for people to plant time to communicate a false threat.

These threats must be taken seriously, as recently there have been a number of school and church shootings.

Both of these place are places where people should feel safe, so that children can effectively learn and so that church-goers can rejoice in their own form of worship without the fear of mass violence threats. In the coming years, it can be expected that more specific laws and crimes will be crated in regards to mass violence. The law often needs time to catch up with current societal needs, but we can take comfort in knowing that steps are being taken to deter crimes of mass violence.

If you would like to know more about these laws, or if you have questions about the law in regards to mass violence or the threat of mass violence, you should contact a Greensboro criminal defense lawyer today! The Offices of Garrett, Walker, Aycoth and Olsen can answer your concerns of threats of mass violence. Call at 336-379-0539; we are here to help!