Greensboro Criminal Attorneys Can Describe The Court Process For Your Case

In Greensboro Criminal Attorneys Can Describe The Court Process For Your Case by GWAO

Greensboro criminal attorneys can describe the court process for your case.

The assistant district attorney (ADA) handling your cases has total control over the scheduling of your cases for hearing and trial.

Typically, the Superior Court ADA’s work in teams of 2-3 ADA’s and hold court on their cases every three to four weeks. They alone decide which of their cases they will put on a “calendar” (that is, the formal list of cases potentially set before the judge to hear).

They alone also decide which of those cases they will put in what is called the “trial order” –that is, set on for trial before a jury.

The “trial order” list of cases is obviously much shorter than the regular calendar. The ADA’s never put on the “trial order” list cases that they know or believe will be guilty pleas. The ADA can also choose which cases he sets for trial before which judge.

For example, ADAs have threatened to force a defendant into a jury trial before a Judge who is notorious for boxcar-ring (make the sentences of multiple charges run consecutively, one after the other) the worst possible sentences he can give, no matter what kind of crime it is.

Do not let your case go down a negative path through the court system.  Greensboro’s top rated criminal lawyers can help.  Call us today at 336-379-0539.