Greensboro Car Wrecks and Regulation of the Trucking Industry

In Personal Injury by GWAO

The Future of the Tractor-Trailer Industry and its Effect on Greensboro Car Wrecks

For a long time, the trucking industry in the United States has been important to the American economy. Without the tractor trailers on the road, major chains, manufacturers, and many other businesses simply would not be able to operate at all. Though tractor trailers are a danger for Greensboro Car Accidents on Greensboro’s highways, their importance to our economy cannot be overlooked. Like all aspects of the economy, tractor trailers and the ways that they are used are always changing. New developments in technology, as well as modifications in the ways that things move around, guarantee that the future of the tractor trailer industry will be very different from the way it runs right now.

Why is the Tractor Trailer Industry Changing?

In the last few years, we’ve seen many instances of change. Changes in business are caused by an innovation that creates a market which changes existing markets and disrupts established leaders. An example is movie rental giant Blockbuster being knocked off by streaming services like Hulu, or the music industry changes that came about from Spotify and Pandora. The trucking industry might seem like one that won’t be changed by a phone or device, but there are already marketers hoping to prove that is wrong. Lyft, the ridesharing company that already changed the taxi industry, has recently started looking at the trucking industry. The company calls its trucking division Lyft Trucking and it works by matching truckers with companies through a free application.

Aside from it all, there is also the idea of self-driving trucks and many expect that this will really affect the trucking industry within the next 10 years or so. Recently a foreign company in Sweeden unveiled a prototype self-driving truck. This driver-less truck has no windows or space for humans.  Being a prototype, this truck is doubtful to make the roads in its form as it is now, but its design does provide a glimpse at the future of the tractor trailer industry. Self-driving trucks raise questions about the safety of our future for driving without vehicles.

How Will North Carolina Law Modify with  These Changes?

One of the queries that often come up is how will North Carolina law change with all of these amazing changes?  Folks also wonder if self-driving tractor trailers will be safer than the trucks that have caused so many Greensboro Trucking Accidents in the past. While makers and designers of self-driving trucks and tractor trailers talk a bunch about the better safety chances, there has not been any proof as of yet today. It will be very much a priority to put safety above all other things as we move to self-driving vehicles. It will also be key to decide who is at fault if a crash occurs with a self-driving tractor trailers.

Contact our Greensboro Car Accident Lawyers today if you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident or suffered a personal injury in Greensboro, High Point or Asheboro.