attorney in greensboro

Greensboro Attorney gives update on GPD Changes

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Attorney

The Greensboro Police Department has announced they will be making policy changes in order to combat recent racial injustices both in Greensboro and nationwide. The Chief provided updates on the use of excessive force, which has been a concern for citizens in Greensboro, North Carolina when dealing with law enforcement. Our Greensboro attorney said officers are going to be required to intervene in any excessive force situation where they witness it happening. The Chief said officers will be compelled to intervene both physically and verbally when these situations present themselves.

One of the major issues in the update has been clarifications on the Greensboro Police Department’s restraint policies. The Chief advised that officers have been not be trained in and has prohibited the use of any strangleholds which restrict breathing. Our Greensboro attorney has been advised that local community members are hoping that the police department moves toward more of a community policing strategy from what they feel is a far more aggressive approach.