Family loses home just after moving in according to Greensboro Lawyer

In Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

A grandmother and her grandkids recently lost their new home just days after moving in. The family had previously been homeless, found the place and picked up the keys on Friday. The family stayed at a relatives house the evening of the fire.

They were in the process of moving in at the time of the fire according to our Greensboro lawyer. Most the furniture and clothing were donated by a local church. According to our lawyer the fire department says the home should never have past inspection. There were live uncapped wires above the stove which is what caused the fire.

Our lawyer is ready to help this family or anyone that finds themselves in a similar situation. Contact our attorney today if you or someone you know has been the victim of a fire which wasn’t there fault and they suffered personal injuries. The lawyers at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson are here for you and your family when you need us most! Contact us today at 336-379-0539.