attorneys in Greensboro NC

Concealed Carry Permit Suspended per Attorney

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Attorney in Greensboro NC

The right to protest is something that Americans hold as sacred. So many changes through history have occurred after a protest and people having their voices heard. A man working as a security guard at recent protest opened fire on a protestor according to an attorney in Greensboro NC.

The man claimed he was acting in an armed capacity due to being employed as a security guard. However, the security company working the protest advised that he wasn’t an employee of theirs per a Greensboro attorney.

The man has been a concealed carry permit holder since 2018. He is currently held without bail after allegedly shooting and killing a man per a Greensboro lawyer. Police have stated that he was acting in a professional capacity as an armed security guard, however, the question is, for who was he working? Our attorneys in Greensboro NC will continue to keep you updated.