A 7 Week Old once through to be kidnapped, leads to mother being charged with Attempted Murder – Our Greensboro Criminal Lawyer is ready to assist with the case.

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A case that hit headlines last week due to a young child alleged to having been kidnapped, has turned into an Attempted Murder Case. News reports throughout North Carolina were sent out that a 7 week old had been kidnapped by two masked perpetrators. Our Greensboro Criminal Lawyer is watching closely as this case continues to develop.

A search ensued as the kidnapping involved a firearm. A woman went to her mail and just so happened to hear the sound of baby crying in a nearby ravine. She went and found the child who turned out to be the same baby the mother had earlier reported has been kidnapped.

Our Greensboro Criminal Lawyers are looking into the Attempted Murder charge. After the baby had been located, investigators proceeded to follow-up with the mother. There were a number of inconsistencies in her statements would gave investigators probable cause to file charges against her.

As this case continues to develop we will keep you posted with updated information. Our Greensboro Criminal Defense Lawyer is well prepared to handle any Attempted Murder case. Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, PLLC is a full-service law firm dedicated to helping the Greensboro Community at large.